Expand your pharmacy's business and profits with our unique offering of HGRX products and services.

New Ways to Grow

  • CBD oil-infused products increase pharmacy profits and satisfy patients seeking the unique benefits of CBD oil.

  • Diagnostic Testing for COVID-19, flu, strep, and RSV offers a new service offering to pharmacies looking to expand sales.

  • ​HGRX's exclusive Association Health Insurance Plan offers members significant savings on their employee health insurance and prescription benefits.

  • ​​Our HGRX-branded catalog of super-premium nutraceuticals offers the highest quality products for your patients and higher margins for your bottom line.

  •  HealthGrowth Capital provides a wide range of lending solutions to member-pharmacies, from SBA loans to asset-based lines of credit.

  • HealthGrowth Advisors provides a variety of solutions to help you maximize the performance of your business.